Precix Router

Precix Router

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ready to Help!!!

Want to know more about CNC routers..............

Vineeth Mukundan


       A wood router is controlled in the same way as a metal mill, but there is a lot of CAM and CAD software like Artcam, Mastercam, Bobcad, and Featurecam specifically for wood routers.
Wood with different grain must be approached with unique strategies, and wood CAM software is less likely to need to have hog-out strategies than the metal ones. Wood routers are frequently used to machine other soft materials such as plastics at high speed.
Typical three-axis CNC wood routers are generally much bigger than their metal shop counterparts. 5' x 5', 4' x 8', and 5' x 10' are typical bed sizes for wood routers. But can be built to accommodate very large sizes up to, but not limited to 12' x 100'. Most table routers use a three motor drive system (xyz) utilizing either servo or stepper motors that drive the router motor via a gantry system. The gantry system isolates the XYZ movement in the top part of the machine with a stationary table holding the workpiece. Many CNC metal mills have the cutter motor moving on the Z axis, and a table which moves in X and Y for added stability.
Many wood routers can run at machining speeds of 25 metres/min (linear) or faster with a few machines such as the Anderson capable of 40 metres/min, Onsrud capable of 86 metres/min.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

CNC Reviews
Routers, Parts, Services and More!
Read CNC Reviews on anything CNC related. Unfortunately, its hard to find reviews on CNC related items out there. Its hard for us to believe EVERYONE is 100% satisfied.

Reviews are a wonderful resource. They allow us to gain in site about the product we are buyng. Many times, its hard to judge a product by the information the seller gives. That is why we devoted a whole section to CNC related reviews

we are constantly on the search for new reviews. That is why we would like your help.

If you have bought CNC routers, mills or anything of the like. Feel free to write a review and submit it, good or bad. The whole idea of this website is to inform people about what they are paying for.

You may also write or read reviews on CNC websites, service, products, or even related products.

Feel free to read though the reviews. If you do not find what you need, you can also e-mail us and we will try to provide some for you. I feel that reviews are one of the best ways to get a feel for what you are buying.

To, submit a CNC review, fill out the simple review form. Or just e-mail your comments to,

Also, feel free to submit reviews about our website, good or bad. Thank you for your time!

Roles in real world

"CNC Router”, plays an important role while” modernizing the cutting / machining shops” by replacing the conventional methods with computerized one. The general application areas of CNC Router are in wood working, signage industries, furniture, architect and builders for interiors, industrial prototyping, decoration etc..

The materials commonly machined using CNC Router are all type of Natural and Artificial wood, plastics, rubber, aluminium sheets, ACM, lime stone ,marble, synthetic materials etc....and harder material like steel, granite, brass etc.....for engraving and other works. 

CNC Router is not totally a new machine to the world. Its as old as any other CNC Milling and CNC Lathe machines. Now there is a special focus on this category of machines. It differentiates from other type of CNC Machines based on applications. In this decade we could see the market slowly developed for CNC Router. Now there is a number of CNC Router manufactures in different parts of the world. They envisage better market potential in other countries also.

On the other side, shop owners found it imperative to automate to bring more quality, creativity, precision,   fast and timely delivery of their product. CNC Router can more effectively utilized when used with supporting technologies like; CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping, Reverse Engineering, CMM, Networking, Simulation, CAE, NC, DNC..
CNC Machines integrated with CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) systems used to design and manufacture products. The term CAD/CAM implies that an engineer can use the computer system both for designing a product and for controlling manufacturing processes. For example, once a design has been produced with the CAD component, the design itself can be used to program the tool paths / NC codes that control the machines that construct the part.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Welcome to the buyers guide sections of our website.

There's no doubt that CNC routers are amazing tools. They offer the ability to have a design brought to life in a matter of minutes. Skilled craftsmen can also produce a product using an array of tools. However, they can not compete with the precision, speed, and affordability of these machines.

Machines of the past used punch tape to acquire the geometry needed. CNC machines today, use a complex system of computers and controllers combined with controller software to guide the router. Using this method to control the machine,you have the ability to produce a near perfect product.

Of course, you have already considered this, which is why you are looking to buy one. However if you are like many, as you search for information you only find hundreds of models and manufacturers. Which probably got you asking, "Which one is the right one for me?"

Buying can be a daunting task, to say the least. This is where the Buyer’s Guide comes in handy. It will walk you through all the decisions you need to make in order to narrow your choices.

We'll look at prices, types, considerations and many other aspect regarding CNC routers that will help you, the buyer, make an informed decision before you purchase.

It will provide money saving tips and tricks as well as informing you of EVERYTHING you need to have a complete system. It's very depressing to find that after you just bought a new "toy", you have to buy a rather expensive set of batteries to make it run. You might want to check out the builder's guide. If you know nothing about these machines then it might be wise to learn some of the CNC basics.Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

about routers

There's no doubt that CNC routers are amazing tools. They offer the ability to have a design brought to life in a matter of minutes. Skilled craftsmen can also produce a product using an array of tools. However, they can not compete with the precision, speed, and affordability of these machines.
Machines of the past used punch tape to acquire the geometry needed. CNC machines today, use a complex system of computers and controllers combined with controller software to guide the router. Using this method to control the machine,you have the ability to produce a near perfect product.
Of course, you have already considered this, which is why you are looking to buy one. However if you are like many, as you search for information you only find hundreds of models and manufacturers. Which probably got you asking, "Which one is the right one for me?"
Buying can be a daunting task, to say the least. This is where the Buyer’s Guide comes in handy. It will walk you through all the decisions you need to make in order to narrow your choices.
We'll look at prices, types, considerations and many other aspect regarding CNC routers that will help you, the buyer, make an informed decision before you purchase.
It will provide money saving tips and tricks as well as informing you of EVERYTHING you need to have a complete system. It's very depressing to find that after you just bought a new "toy", you have to buy a rather expensive set of batteries to make it run. You might want to check out the builder's guide. If you know nothing about these machines then it might be wise to learn some of the CNC basics.
The following links will take you though the steps of buying a CNC router.